Send real-time, secure message to a specific user browser using Azure SignalR

Ngo Thien Sinh
2 min readJul 20, 2022


Our web application is publicly and not required authenticated user, each time user access the page, we treat he/she as a transaction with unique id. During the transaction, the system receive the message from third-party service and
it need to send the real-time message to a specific aforementioned user. The solution must be real-time, secure so that multiple transactions does not know the data of each other.

The completed source code was published here. Thank for reading


The sample built-in .NET API, ReactJs which deployed on Azure App Service and SignalR.
There are 2 types of SignalR using in this acticle, there not much code change from these two, we will go one by one

  • Self-hosted, we host SignalR ourselves as part of a Web App
Self-hosted SignalR
  • Azure SignalR Service, this is SignalR living in the Cloud as a service, it comes with a lot of benefits
Azure SignalR

How it work

  1. Front-end ask for making a connection with the API web service, the unique transaction id will send along with the request
  2. The Web API validate the unique transaction id using the custom Auth handler middleware
  3. After the API accept the connection, it generate a connection ID, we need to store the Connection ID into the database, then we can use it to send message back to the Browser later on
  4. The connection was establish between SignalR and Browser
  5. External service make a HTTP call to our server, in the example: it’s /test path. Our API lookup for the connection Id in the database, then send the request to a specific browser

Why Azure SignalR Managed Service?

  • The main reason to use Azure SignlR manage service is that it help to keep the solution work incase Azure App service scale out to more than 1 instance
  • Check out the other benefits of it here

How to convert from Hosted SignalR to Azure SignalR Managed Service

  1. Go to Azure Portal > Create Azure SignalR > Select Default mode
  2. Go to your .NET web API, add this line

Enjoy coding!



Ngo Thien Sinh

Azure Cloud Architect, Software Engineer, DevOps Engineer. Love to automate things, involve to the biz and contribute to build a successful product.